Destination Countries
Shipment only to shipping addresses in the following countries:
- Germany
- Austria
- Switzerland
From a formal point of view: You may place an order with bogobit from anywhere. But you must specify a delivery address, which must be in one of the above listed countries.
The reason for this restriction of destination countries is the legislation by the EU and by the destination countries. Typically every country has its own legislation on electronic devices: registration as manufacturer of electronic devices, report of quantities placed on the market, payment of fees related with waste of electronic equipment, and appointment of an authorised representative. Also, typically every country has its own legislation on packaging: registration as sender of parcels across borders directly to private customers, report of quantities placed on the market, payment of fees related with packaging waste, and appointment of an authorised representative. In addition, countries may have further legislation, for example, how articles or packaging must be marked.
This legislation, and subsequent obligations, impose significant organisational and financial efforts. For small enterprieses, as we are, this is not profitable.
Bogobit is registered in Germany, in Austria, and in Switzerland.
Consequently, shipment is restricted to these countries.